City of Edmonton –
Traffic Operations Section
Director, Traffic Operations
Parking Services
Parking Enforcement Services
Traffic Control Permitting Services
Traffic Control Engineering
Sign Shops
Geospatial Information Services
Legal Services
Financial Services
Residential Permit Parking Service Experience Blueprinting
The Director of Traffic Operations wanted to use their Parking Studies findings to guide the replacement of their existing Residential Permit Parking (RPP) program & digital service technology with a modernized version.
Given the diverse nature of multiple service delivery stakeholders impacted by this Project, program design & prioritization conflicts were encountered that consistently stalled upgrade efforts. The majority of frictions arose from:
- Competing User needs in the form of equitable access & cost-effectiveness in terms of operational requirements.
- Having insufficient visibility into the impacts of previously hidden expectations that surfaced from among several different internal service sections, departments and stakeholders.
Traffic Operations engaged participants from across several different functional areas in a Service Experience Blueprinting project that was designed to help them:
- Validate, prioritize and assess the utility & viability of their parking studies’ findings & recommendations for use in improving their program.
- Achieve consensus on a customer-focused Frame of Reference to guide the alignment of service processes, resources and customer needs moving forward.
- Ensure improved policy alignment and User engagement across key customer touchpoints, preventing conflicts among the Teams’ unique service scenarios & requirements.
Through our service experience information & journey maps, Traffic Operations & its Service Delivery stakeholders were able to identify areas of opportunity for optimal interaction with RPP Residents.
Traffic Ops subsequently used this information to update their program with process alignment & user engagement enhancements that improved consistency & ease of use, delivering better permitting and online experiences for both the Residents & the City.