Development Services
Director, Development Approval, Inspections & Compliance
Lot Grading Inspections
Development Permit Landscaping Inspections
Development Permit Inspections
Development Compliance
Building Safety Codes Inspections
Building Safety Codes Compliance
Subdivision Development – Landscaping Inspections
Subdivision Development – Transportation Inspections
Development Services Inspections & Compliance Design Sprint
To effectively support anticipated Zoning bylaw changes, Development Services was looking to explore the feasibility & viability of redesigning the way their services are delivered. All while effectively navigating myriad competing demands, scenarios & requirements across eight different Inspections & Compliance Work Units.
The Branch Manager & Management team recognized that with a new Zoning Bylaw coming into effect, Development Services Inspections & Compliance services were going to have to manage significantly more complex pressures on three fronts:
- Heightened expectations – from both Industry and Residents – for more timely & convenient Inspection & Enforcement processes & procedures.
- Challenges arising from providing higher degrees of effective monitoring and due diligence.
- Increased compliance responsibilities taxing already overburdened service processes.
Development Services engaged participants from a broad cross-section of roles within eight Work Units to participate in this Design Sprint project to:
- Ensure that relevant service delivery stakeholders vetted the feasibility & viability of service delivery streamlining strategies.
- Clarify high-priority benefits of proposed streamlining & consolidation ideas to avoid unexpected & unwelcome surprises.
- Surface key obstacles & reveal improvement options that would incur the least risk with the best odds of success, in alignment with the current realities & opportunities identified by frontline staff.
Through a series of intensive agile Design Sprint workshops, the Work Units successfully generated innovative options and potentially viable solutions to the complex issues presented by their unique circumstances – all with an eye to driving the positive change that Development Services & its stakeholders were envisioning.
Additionally, the Service Experience Information established a unified platform that all relevant service delivery stakeholders used to inform & guide their decision-making on service improvement strategies, process enhancement prioritization, and stakeholder communication & engagement strategies.